In a bid to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of interventions based on the program initiatives vis-à-vis Key Performance Indicators, the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services (KALAHI-CIDSS) Regional Program Management Office (RPMO) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 7 has started its Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and Key In-depth Interviews (KII) with community volunteers (CVs), the Municipal Coordinating Teams (MCT), and the Area Coordinating Teams (ACT).

Maribeth Cabalda, the Capability Building Unit head of the RPMO, serves as a moderator during the conduct of the pilot focus group discussion among the selected community volunteers in the Municipality of Asturias in northern Cebu.

It is about the conclusion of the National Community-Driven Development Program Additional Financing (NCDDP-AF) project.

The pilot FGD and KII were conducted in the Municipality of Asturias in northern Cebu on Friday, August 9, 2024. The Field Office has a target of 20 batches for the FGD as it is categorized as one of the large areas among the 17 regions.

The RPMO randomly chose the provinces of Bohol, Negros Oriental, and Cebu, as well as the number of municipalities within the pre-identified provinces, to increase diversity of informants.

The objectives of the FGD are as follows: to evaluate the effectiveness of Capability Building and Learning and Development interventions; to document good practices and success stories from the community CV, MCT, and ACT members in line with the impact of learnings acquired through the training provided; to assess improvements in knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) among participants; to identify challenges and areas for improvement in implementing capability-building interventions in support of program operationalization; and to gather feedback on the overall experience and impact of the capacity-building or learning interventions on various stakeholders.

In determining the outcomes of the training facilitated by the KALAHI-CIDSS, the FGD tool assesses the effectiveness of Capability Building (CapBuild) and Learning and Development (LD) interventions, and Technical Assistance. It seeks to gather qualitative data on the impact of these interventions on staff performance and community engagement, highlighting good practices, identifying challenges, and providing recommendations for future improvements.

As for the KII, KALAHI-CIDSS RPMO trained the ACT and MCT participants. Those participants with 10 years of working experience in the program are prioritized, especially for relatively older offices. The community volunteers, on the other hand, must have undergone training by KALAHI-CIDSS (all organized teams in the community) and also focus on the progression from a community volunteer to a higher position (e.g., officers of another public office, barangay captain, councilor, mayor, and the like). ###

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