The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) continues to empower communities by providing access to basic social services and participation in various project implementations through the KALAHI-CIDSS Additional Financing.

KALAHI-CIDSS Deputy Regional Program Manager Karl Vladimir C. Arbon and Mayor Mariano R. Martinez during the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing in San Remigio, Cebu with members of the Sangguniang Bayan as witnesses.

This new endeavor will continue to provide municipalities with different interventions such as prevention, response, recovery, and rehabilitation type of sub-projects that will respond to the effects of COVID-19 pandemic.

The program has allocated Php 1.5 billion to cover 97 municipalities across Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental, and Siquijor with a total of 2,201 barangays.

These partner municipalities are divided into two groups – Group 1 with 41 and Group 2 with 55 Local Government Units (LGUs) that will implement the sub-projects from 2021 to 2023.

The Municipal Orientation signals the start of KALAHI-CIDSS’ Additional Financing. Partner municipalities are provided with an overview of its salient features, timeline, and roles and functions of key stakeholders in the rollout of the Additional Financing using the Disaster Response Operations Modality (DROM).

The municipal grant is one of the orientation’s topic to inform local officials of the LGU’s fund allocation and its Local Counterpart Contribution (LCC) for the program.

KALAHI-CIDSS gives emphasis on the developmental part of the community especially the Barangay LGUs through participatory activities. Local officials are made to understand their roles as well as the framework that backs up the program’s new features.

Assistant Regional Director for Operations Shalaine Marie S. Lucero cites the importance of community development. She said “Today’s municipal orientation gives everyone a clear path, a guide on how exactly we should be implementing the KALAHI-CIDSS. With the signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), we hope that all of you will look at it as a beacon of hope for our community and will remind us of our mandate in encouraging local participation.”

The orientation is the chance to build further and enhance deeper the competencies

of the local government units in preparation for the full implementation of the Additional Financing.

Meanwhile, DSWD-7 Regional Director Rebecca P. Geamala highlights the partnership between the agency and these LGUs. “The demands of our time and the needs of our people makes our scope almost limited. But the partnership we’ve built with LGUs gives us the confidence to fulfill our mandate”, said Geamala during her welcome message.

Deputy Regional Program Manager Karl Vladimir C. Arbon led the opening salvo of the additional financing in partner areas through a series of Municipal Orientations that also highlight the accomplishments of these partner municipalities from the time they started engaging with the program in 2014.

Municipal Mayors are proud of these accomplishments and encourage their local officials to support another round of project implementation.

“I have seen the growth of our communities with the projects and activities of KALAHI. They have improved and empowered the lives of our people. With this, I am confident that it will continue to prosper in the next three years not just in San Remigio but also in other areas under the leadership of DSWD,” said Mayor Mariano R. Martinez in his message of support.

Local Chief Executives sealed its partnership with DSWD-7 and officially kicks off the Additional Financing through the MOA signing. Municipal Inter-Agency Committee Members, Sangguniang Bayan Members and Punong Barangays were present as witnesses. ###

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