The DSWD Field Office VII will be sending nine (9) Community Volunteers to the 3rd National Community Volunteers Congress and 5th Bayani Ka Awards on August 12-16, 2019. The participants to the activity are the 2018 Regional winners of Bayani Ka Awards. They are Prince Aldin R. Cuerda, Youth Category; Andres V. Tambagan, Sustained Community Volunteers Group Category; Liezel Gorit and Ma. Rebecca Gurit, Environment Protection Category; Necifora Lada, Gender and Development Category, Marcos Bonul and Mauricelia Rebuya, Improved Local Governance Category. Other attendees to the congress include Jhulmar Bagwisa, regional representative of the Kalahi-CIDSS community volunteers group association and Jesselyn Espra, community volunteer from Oslob, Cebu.

Marcos Bonul of Anislag, Corella, Bohol receives the award for the Improved Local Governance Category

The activity, which started in 2017, serves as the venue where exceptional community-level stakeholders and leaders including the local chief executives of Kalahi-CIDSS municipalities nationwide will be gathered to be able to share their experiences and learning insights especially in the program implementation.

There will also be sharing of their viewpoints about Community-Driven Development approach which has been practiced and pushed to be adopted in every municipality and eventually in the whole country.

“Padayon, Kalahi-CIDSS” is the theme for this year’s National Community Volunteers Congress hoping that through this, it will create more advocates and walking evidences on how the program touched and changed the community’s lives and be able to gain support for the institutionalization of the program. ###

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