Bayanihan is a term widely known for Filipinos’ genuine spirit of communal unity and cooperation, which calls on helping others without expecting anything in return.

This spirit is seen after Typhoon Odette ravaged thousands of houses in Cebu, Bohol, and some parts of Negros Oriental, leaving families desperate for help.

In Cebuano, the word Bayanihan is synonymous to Pagtinabangay. The spirit that still lingers in every Cebuano’s heart. In this crisis, people continue to see the goodness of fellowmen, extending help even if they also need help.

Various individuals and organizations immediately mobilized to help DSWD Field Office VII respond to the needs of affected families.

DSWD staff, called “Angels in Red Vest,” become immune to responding to the needs of helpless Filipinos even if it means leaving their own families temporarily unattended.

Some are deployed to different warehouses to help in the repacking of Family Food Packs, while others are placed in various hubs to oversee releasing, loading, and escorting relief goods to different transportation channels.

DSWD called for volunteers to increase the number of manpower for repacking of relief goods. Individuals quickly responded to the call for support to fast-track the relief operations.

The transportation and delivery of relief assistance are made possible by the generosity of private sector partners – Maayo Shipping for the free utilization of their vessels to transport goods from Cebu island to Negros Oriental, Matiao Trucking for lending their wing vans for point-to-point delivery, and Cebu Oversea Hardware Co., Inc. through the Cebu Contractors Association for their hauling services of raw materials.

Also assisting DSWD-7 are members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines through their black hawk choppers to fast-track the distribution of relief goods, especially to remote areas.

The Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine Navy, and Philippine Marines also extend help by providing their vessels and marine patrol boats to accommodate inter-island delivery of goods.

On the side of the port operations, the Cebu Port Authority continues to ensure that goods are loaded and delivered to vessels departing to the right destination.

The Bayanihan spirit lives on in every Filipino who looks after the welfare of their fellow Filipinos. The Pagtinabangay shines through this crisis.

All these are part of the continuing efforts of the agency to provide support to local government units in helping the poor and vulnerable people. ###

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