The Office of the President (OP) through the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office VII distributed gifts to 729 children aged 4 to 17 who are residents of various child-caring agencies and institutions in the region.

Parlor games, a magic show, and the mascot of a popular fast food restaurant entertain the children before the gifts’ distribution.

On November 26, 2023, the OP conducted the Balik Sigla, Bigay Saya program, a nationwide gift-giving activity simultaneously done in Malacañang Palace in Metro Manila, Davao City, and at the Cebu Technological University’s (CTU) Main Campus in Cebu City, which served as satellite distribution centers.

Facilities outside the center distribution area in Cebu City also joined the simultaneous gift-giving online.

Recipients are children residents of various facilities operated by local government units, accredited social welfare and development agencies, and the four (4) DSWD-run facilities, namely, Home for Girls, Reception and Study Center for Children, Regional Haven for Women, and the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY), who joined the activity via online.

The activity aims to bring joy and happiness to children in the coming Yuletide season while they are away from their families, whether they are victims of abuse or under any circumstances that led them to stay inside a facility.

At the gift-giving activity on Sunday at CTU Campus, children were entertained with a mascot, magic show, parlor games, and an inflatable playground. Food and snacks were also served courtesy of partners and a popular fast-food chain brand.

Their gifts contained a pillow, a towel, and a blanket inside a duffel bag.

Presidential Son William Vincent Araneta-Marcos led the activity in Cebu City. Regional Director Shalaine Marie S. Lucero and other officials accompanied him.

Lucero said in her welcome message, “We are thankful to the President and the First Lady for providing gifts and showing their love and care to these children. The gift-giving activity supports the objectives of the Department in giving the best interest and looking at the welfare of the children,” she said.

The DSWD 7 Standards Section, which is in charge of the registration, accreditation, and licensing of the different social welfare and development agencies, spearheaded the activity.

Some 26 child-care agencies participated in the activity, 14 at the CTU Main Campus and 12 online. ###

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