“We will be needing your support for the implementation of Listahanan3 and ensure that this will be a success,” said Director George JT D. Aliño of the National Household Targeting Office (NHTO) during his consultation visit to the DSWD Field Office 7 on Friday April 12, 2019.

NHTO Director JT D. Aliño gives updates on Listahanan3 to RD Geamala, OIC-PPD Chief Armecin and Listahanan staff during the consultation visit at DSWD FO 7.

Dir. Aliño together with the NHTO staff met DSWD 7 Regional Director Rebecca P. Geamala, OIC PPD Chief Graeme Ferdinand Armecin and Listahanan region 7 team to update them on the plan for the coming Listahanan 3rd round of assessment.

He also encouraged the team to share any concerns they experienced on L1 and L2 and discussed its resolutions. He also gathered recommendations on how to effectively carry out the L3 assessment.

One of the discussions focused on what will be the course of action so that more poor households will be included in the L3.

NHTO has considered revising and finalizing the Proxy Means Test (PMT) model that is the main tool in the household assessment, enhancement of the Listahanan manuals, strengthening partnership with barangays with the help of DILG, among others. ###

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