Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and Listahanan-identified poor will benefit from the Lifeline Rate Subsidy Program.

Depending on their electricity or power consumption, eligible consumers may enjoy a 20 to 100 percent discount on their electric bills. Discounts may also vary at Distribution Utilities (DU).

Households that have a consumption of 0–20 kWh are entitled to a 100 percent subsidy, while those that have a consumption of 21–50 kWh can avail of a 50 percent subsidy.

Those who have 51–70 kWh are entitled to a 35 percent subsidy, and those with 71–100 kWh of electric consumption can have a 20 percent subsidy.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) joined hands with the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) and the Department of Energy (DOE) for the implementation of Republic Act (RA) 11552, or the Lifeline Rate Act.

The Lifeline Rate Act is a law that provides subsidies or discounted rates to low-income, marginalized electric consumers, such as the beneficiaries of 4Ps and Listahanan-identified poor households.

Eligible beneficiaries of the program need to apply to the nearest DUs or electric cooperatives (ECs). For 4Ps partner beneficiaries, they may present their 4Ps or other valid government-issued ID containing the signature and address of the consumer, accomplished application form, and recent electricity bill. For Listahanan-identified poor households, requirements may include certification from the local social welfare and development officers (LSWDOs) from their respective local government units (LGUs) issued within six (6) months before the filing of the application showing their family income at the time of application, accomplished application form, recent electricity bill, and any valid government-issued id containing the signature and address of the consumer.

With this, LGUs in Region 7 are encouraged to forge a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with DSWD Field Office VII to receive the Listahanan 3 data for them to have easier access to the list of poor beneficiaries in their areas who may want to apply for the lifeline rate subsidy program.

Interested eligible applicants in Visayas areas may visit their distribution utilities and electric cooperatives or call the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) hotline at 0905-3432292 in Cebu City for further details. The city and municipal links (C/MLs) will inform the 4Ps partner beneficiaries of the program details during their monthly Family Development Sessions (FDS).

The RA 11552 is “An Act Extending and Enhancing the Implementation of the Lifeline Rate, Amending for the Purpose Section 73 of Republic Act. No. 9136, or the “Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001.” ###

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