The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field office VII through the National Household Targeting Section (NHTS) conducted the online training of the Area Supervisors (AS) for the Listahanan 3 validation and finalization phase.

The online training prepared the AS for their responsibilities and tasks in accepting grievances, as well as their duties on the field.

Regional Director Rebecca P. Geamala stressed the importance of the outputs of the field staff as it will become the input of the many programs and services of the department. She also reminded the AS to pray for protection before going to the field.

The NHTS-7 team is ready for the Listahanan 3 validation and finalization phase after the 2 weeks of simultaneous online training for Area Supervisors.

One of the main tasks of the AS is to help form the Barangay Verification Team (BVT) and Local Verification Committee (LVC) in their assigned city or municipality to act on the grievances they received.

The BVT will be composed of the barangay captain, first Kagawad, Kagawad who is the Chairman of the Committee on Social Welfare and Services and Civil Society Organization representative in the barangay. It may include also Sub-project management committee chairperson for areas with Kalahi-CIDSS. Together they will review and recommend resolution on the grievances gathered by the AS to be submitted to the LVC.

The LVC on the other hand, includes the Local Chief Executive or representative, City/Municipal Social Welfare Development Officer, City/Municipal Planning and Development Officer, and 1 representative from 2 different CSOs in the LGU. This team will check the recommended resolutions submitted by the BVT for action.

Further, not all grievances will be submitted to the BVT as the AS can resolve some of the complaints using the Validation Search Tool (VSA).

The VSA is an online processing tool where the AS processes and inputs the complaints received from the initial list of poor.

The following are the types of grievances that will be accepted by the AS:

EX01 – if the poor household was interviewed on Oct-Dec. 2019, during the data collection phase but the name of the household head is not found on the initial list of poor.

EX02 – If the poor household was not interviewed on Oct-Dec. 2019 during the data collection phase.

INC01 – If a non-poor household is included in the initial list of poor.

INC02 – If a household wants their name on the initial list of poor be removed.

ER01 – If there is error in the name, sex and street address on the initial list of poor and wants it to be corrected.

ERO3 – If the error includes barangay address and wants to remove or add any family member in the roster.

TR01 – If the included household transferred residence.

Aside from the desk validation through the VSA, the Listahanan also accepts the following grievances through online: General Inquiry, EX01, EX02 and TR01. You just need to log on at

The Validation phase is the 3rd part of the Listahanan project cycle that provides opportunity for the people to check on the initial list of poor which was the result of the data collection phase. These lists will be posted in the conspicuous areas like barangay halls, for the public’s easy access. ###

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