The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office VII celebrates the 18-day campaign to End Violence against Women (VAW) in support of the yearly advocacy campaign of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW).

DSWD-7 launches the 18-day campaign to End Violence against Women (VAW) during the Regional Management Development Conference (RMDC).

This year’s advocacy aims to capacitate the VAW desk officers and other barangay officials in handling Gender-Based Violence cases better. Their role as first responders to victims or survivors of VAW cases is crucial. Also, it aims to inform the victims of their rights and where to go for help.

With the theme “VAW-free community starts with me,” this campaign calls on everyone to join the celebration and commit themselves to help end violence against women and children.

According to the National Demographic Health Survey 2017 released by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), 1 in 4 Filipino women aged 15-49 has experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse from their partner. A prevalent social illness against women that needs to end.

In DSWD FO-7, the staff members are encouraged to wear or to decorate their offices using the color orange for the duration of the celebration, to use the 18-day campaign Facebook Profile frame, to use the official hashtag: #VAWFreePH on their posts, and other activities, to support the cause while adhering to the safety and health protocols amid the pandemic threat.

The orange was chosen as the official color for the campaign as it symbolizes a better future for women and girls.

Pursuant to Proclamation 1172, series of 2006, the yearly 18-day advocacy campaign is conducted from November 25 to December 12. ###

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