The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 7 unveiled the Listahanan 3 database during the Central Visayas Regional Launching held recently at Bai Hotel in Mandaue City. 

The event was participated by various National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), partner Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and academe.

Regional Director Shalaine Marie S. Lucero presented the results of the Listahanan 3 household assessment during the Central Visayas Regional Launching in Bai Hotel, Mandaue City.

National Household Targeting Office (NHTO) Director Mona-Liza O. Vizorde graced the event. 

“This Listahanan launching is a very significant event because it is the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and sacrifices of our DSWD staff, especially our hired Area Coordinators, Area Supervisors, and Field Enumerators who went beyond and above in getting the right data. Finally, the fruits of hard labor are in our hands,” said Director Vizorde in her keynote message. 

“With the Listahanan 3 poverty database validated, the Department has now deemed it ready for sharing with other national government agencies, local government units, and other organizations which implement social protection programs and services,” added Director Vizorde. 

She encouraged different partner stakeholders to utilize the Listahanan database so that the resources and funds will be spent helping the rightful beneficiaries. 

DSWD-7 Regional Director Lucero presented the results of the Listahanan 3 household assessment. 

The third assessment identified a total of 453,961 poor households in the region, identified 84,343 poor households in Bohol; 220,122 poor households in Cebu; 146,669 poor households in Negros Oriental; and 2,837 poor households in Siquijor.

“The household was assessed based on their composition, the household members’ highest educational attainment and occupation, features of the housing structure and access to basic services or facilities like water, electricity, and sanitary toilet, households’ ownership of assets, tenure status of housing among others,” said Director Lucero. 

She added that all collected information from the household went through a process using a scientific method called Proxy Means Test or PMT. 

PMT is a statistical model that estimates the income of a household based on the variables included in the household assessment form.

Households with estimated incomes that are above the latest provincial poverty thresholds are considered non-poor and those with estimated incomes falling below the poverty thresholds are considered poor.

Regional Director Shalaine Marie S. Lucero with NHTO Director Mona-Liza O. Vizorde together with Assistant Regional Director for Operations Juanito C. Cantero and Assistant Regional Director for Administration Antonio R. Dolaota handed in the Plaques of Appreciation to representatives of DOH CVCHD, TESDA and DOLE-7 for their support as an active partner agency who utilizes the Listahanan data for their programs and services.

“DSWD cannot do the gargantuan task of improving the lives of many. We need to strengthen our partnership so that we could help more poor families alleviate their social conditions. And we could start this by using Listahanan,” underscored Director Lucero.

Participants in the event inked their signatures on the wall of commitment as their support to the utilization of Listahanan 3 data. 

After the Listahanan 3 launching, a series of stakeholders meeting will be conducted in the provinces of Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental and Siquijor to orient the stakeholders on Listahanan 3 data sharing. 

The Listahanan or the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) is an administrative tool that identifies who and where poor households are in the country.

Based on Executive Order No. 867, series of 2010, it mandates all National Government Agencies (NGAs) to use the Listahanan for their social protection programs and services.  

The Listahanan is the third round of household assessment that started its preparation phase in 2019. ###

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