DSWD-7 Regional Director Rebecca P. Geamala challenged the youth officers of Tabogon, Cebu to take action and be the change in their community during the recently held induction at Pasaol Beach Resort last June 9, 2021. In her remarks, she said “As youth officers of your municipality, you have both the power and the responsibility to lead your fellow youth towards a bright future.”

Tabogon MSWDO Roglin A. Sumayang, DSWD 7 Regional Director Rebecca P. Geamala, Tabogon Mayor Zigfred P. Duterte and Population Commission Representative Ronclarck Dagohoy.

She invited the officers to create community projects that will involve the youth such as medical missions, sportsfests and livelihood training so that the young ones will be kept away from social and moral vices. “You are expected to roll your sleeves as early as now and march on towards a better local governance that is free of corruption” she encouraged the officers.

Hon. Mayor Zigfred P. Duterte, also expressed his appreciation to the Regional Director for visiting their town. His statement centered on the potential of this youth to become leaders on their own.

A total of 27 youth officers was inducted in the said event and soon be catapulted to different community projects. Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer Roglin A. Sumayang will lead the newly-elected youth officers. ###

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