Armed with the mantra of #PAGPAKABANA, especially for those affected by disaster and calamities, DSWD Field Office VII has immediately delivered Php 1,031,687.50-worth of assistance to the families affected by separated fire incidents in Barangay Ibo and Babag in Lapu-Lapu City on January 16 and 18, 2022, respectively.

In Sitio Commonwealth, Barangay Ibo, each of the 167 families composed of 486 individuals received Family Food Packs, Family Clothing, Hygiene Kits, Kitchen Kits, Sleeping Kits, and Laminated Sacs amounting to a total of Php 891,135.50.
The Local Government Unit (LGU) of Lapu-Lapu City also provided hot meals, bottled water, modular tents with insulation foams, beds, portalets, non-food items including hygiene kits, food packs, and medical assistance.
Various agencies such as the Department of Public Works and Highways, the Philippine Air Force, the City Investigation and Detection Group as well as the Philippine Red Cross, and a non-government organization extended help.
All the affected families are temporarily sheltered at Ibo Gymnasium which serves as the Evacuation Center.
Meanwhile, the 26 affected families of the fire that devastated Purok Super Sunlight, Barangay Babag received family food packs, hygiene kits, and kitchen kits amounting to a total of Php 134,552.00.
LGU Lapu-Lapu City, likewise, provided hot meals, and kitchen sets, conducted free medical check-ups, and facilitated play therapy for the children.
The families are currently occupying Babag Gymnasium as temporary shelter.
DSWD-7 City Action Team in Lapu-Lapu City also assisted in managing both evacuation camps, monitoring the living conditions of the internally displaced families, and gathering data for submission to the Disaster Response Management Division for the Disaster Response Operations Monitoring and Information Center (DROMIC) Report.
The DROMIC Report reflects data on monitored incidents and may serve as the basis for the augmentation of support and delivery of relief items to disaster-affected areas by various sectors such as the national government, local and international organizations, and private institutions. ###
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