The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 7 through the National Household Targeting Section (NHTS) or Listahanan team assessed a total of 1,012,513 families in the provinces of Cebu, Bohol, Negros Oriental, and Siquijor.

Listahanan is an information management system of DSWD that identifies who and where the poor are.

NHTS-7 Officers Hillton John V. Edrial and Shane Marigold L. Oliveros clarified during the radio guesting at DYHP, on April 25, with Futch Anthony Inso, that the Listahanan initial lists of poor, posted in the barangays, are not yet final.

All encoded information in the household assessment form (HAF) is subjected to Proxy Means Test (PMT) to generate the initial list of poor households.

Out of these assessed households, more than 600k are identified poor on the initial list.

The initial lists of poor households were posted in the barangays for the public to check and appeal, for corrections, if there are any.  So far, the NHTS-7 has received 194,895 grievances. This process of Listahanan ensures the quality of the final list of poor.

The final list or Listahanan 3 data will be launched in the second semester of 2021 and be made available to partners and other stakeholders, who will be needing the data of poor households for their programs, services, projects, or reference for any, relevant studies.

NHTS-7 head, Hillton John V. Edrial, clarified that any agency, LGU, or anyone, who wishes to have the Listahanan 3 data, must forge a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with DSWD. ###

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