Employees of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 7 conducted a tree planting activity with the theme “Plant for the Next Generation” at a private lot in Barangay Mabini, Cebu City, on Saturday morning, October 14, 2023.

The DSWD 7 employees are all smiles as they participate in the tree planting activity with the theme “Plant for the Next Generation.”

Regional Director Shalaine Marie Lucero led the DSWD 7 employees who planted 200 seedlings of fruit trees and native trees such as Guyabano, Caimito, Calamansi, Mango, Narra and Molave.

The agency conducted the activity in coordination with the Social Welfare Employees Association of the Philippines (SWEAP), the Social Welfare Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (SWEMC), and the Association of DSWD Social Workers Incorporated (ADSWI).

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region 7 recommended to DSWD 7 the tree planting activity area of DSWD employees.

In her message, Director Lucero emphasized the need for DSWD employees to have the lens of “pagpakabana,” or concern not just for those beside them or the field office but also for the community.

She explained they planted trees to help the communities, noting that food security is what everyone needs now.

While a private individual owns the lot, the regional director said the most important thing is that the staff can contribute to the community through a united force and the intention of DSWD employees.

Atong hinumduman, hinaot, we will continue to work together as a DSWD family. And true to our hearts, it is always about service for others, not to ourselves,” she stressed.

The regional director also hoped that those who participated in the tree planting activity enjoyed the moment and will continue to love Mother Earth and treasure the experience, as she emphasized that not everyone would have the chance to plant trees any time. ###

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