Known for its #MayMalasakit or compassion and caring service, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office VII proves that it is more than just a branding. For it is the bloodline of the agency to care as well its employees and staff. Hence in these trying times, the office has instituted various safety and preventive measures to protect the DSWD employees from possible COVID-19 infection.

According to Assistant Regional Director for Administration Antonio R. Dolaota, the office has formed a task force composed of the administrative division heads including the Human Resource Division who laid out some strategic plans to ensure the safety of its employees while providing service to the public.

Installation of COVID-19 infographics

To spread awareness about the safety measures to cut the spread of Covid-19, the office has installed COVID-19 Health Advisory recommended and issued by the Department of Health (DOH) in the hallway. A signage reminding the employees to observe 1-meter social distancing was also posted almost every corner in the office.

Aside from physical distancing, Dolaota said, “we are always encouraging the staff to follow the protocols issued by DOH such as to practice good hygiene like proper handwashing using soap, use alcohol and other disinfectants, eat healthy food and proper diet, have a good sleep, drink a lot of water, and to take Vitamin C to boost their immune system.”

Security guard is checking the body temperature of the DSWD staff at the entrance door of the office

Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Thermal Scanners

At the onset of the declaration of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in Central Visayas, the office immediately provided some Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for free to its employees. To date, about 779 pcs of washable face masks, 5,717 pcs of surgical masks, 361 pcs of face shields, and 1,259 pcs of surgical gloves have already been distributed. In addition, the office prepared personal protective suits in case a positive case will be reported.

Forty-eight (48) thermal scanners were also procured and distributed to the different offices including centers and institutions to check employees’ body temperature everytime they come in and out of the office. The security guards are the ones assigned to do thermal scanning to the staff.

Office Disinfection 

The service provider of the office disinfects the interior and exterior of the building every fourteen (14) days. Apart from that, the General Service Division also disinfects the office vehicles, open surfaces, hand rails including the exterior part of the office daily. Foot baths were also placed in the hallway and entrance door, while a total of 431 bottles of alcohol in different sizes are already distributed per division so the staff can sanitize their hands frequently.

Provision of Vitamin C Supplements and Psychosocial Intervention

To boost employees’ immune system while performing their responsibilities, the office has already procured and distributed 1,080 pieces of Vitamin C supplements (Sodium Ascorbate) to the staff.

When it comes to employees’ mental health, the Human Resource Division through the Social Welfare Section initiated a psychosocial intervention particularly stress debriefing to help the staff cope up from stress at work especially to those who have experienced threat, harassment and other security concerns while doing their jobs both in the office and in the field.

Free Transportation and Accommodation

Due to unavailability of transportation, the office has provided free transportation to its employees since the start of ECQ until it will be lifted. Aside from DSWD’s own vehicles, the office also rented four (4) vehicles to ferry the staff who live in the northern and southern part of Cebu every morning to pick them up and every afternoon to take them home.

DSWD accounting staff wears the face masks provided by the office.

Since there are employees whose residential area is already at risk of Covid-19 infection, the office has decided to offer free accommodation to its staff who are no longer safe to go home. And since the existing dormitory in the building cannot accommodate everyone, the centers and institution facilities are temporarily utilized while still ensuring the safety of its clients. Currently, 69 staff are provided with free accommodation at the various DSWD 7 facilities: Center for Women and Children (CWC); Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center (AVRC); Home for Girls (HFG); Regional Haven for Women (RHW); Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC); Regional Rehabilitation for the Youth (RRCY); and in the dormitory building.

These are among the COVID-19 initiatives of the Office. However, these would not be realized without the support from the Central Office. Through the 1 million allocation fund provided by the DSWD Central Office through its Protective Services Program aside from the additional funds sourced out within the office, the department was able to purchase these PPE and other needed supplies.

From securing employees’ safety against this pandemic to ensuring their mental health, the office truly shows that it cares for the people inside and outside of the office. ###

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