To further strengthen the coordination with local government units (LGUs) in Cebu, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 7 recently conducted a consultation dialogue about the implementation of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).
It is the first event since the institutionalization of 4Ps in 2019, which gathers Cebu’s local chief executives (LCEs) and aims to continue strengthening partnerships in monitoring the progress of 4P households, providing aftercare or post-program services to exited 4P households, sharing good practices from different LGUs to support the program implementation, and recognizing the LGUs who have made exemplary contributions to the program.

In his welcome message, Cebu Vice Governor Hilario Davide III said that the 4Ps embody the spirit of “bayanihan,” a cherished Filipino tradition that resonates with the soul of this nation.
“Through this initiative, we aim to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and illiteracy by providing conditional cash grants to the most vulnerable families. This ensures that children attend school and that pregnant women and their children receive proper health care,” said Vice Governor Davide.
He added that while some critics argue that the 4Ps encourage dependency, he believes the program is an investment in human capital.
“By harnessing the potential of our people, we empower them to break free from the clutches of poverty and, in turn, contribute to the growth of our nation,” Vice Governor Davide added.
Various topics were presented in the morning session, which included salient points of Republic Act 11310, or the 4Ps Act, the 2023 social welfare and development indicator (SWDI) results and gaps, and the joint memorandum circular (JMC) no. 2022-001 of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and DSWD.
Based on the first quarter monitoring, all 53 LGUs in Cebu have JMC submission, which includes local issuances like executive orders on the creation of local convergence teams and composition of the city and municipal action team (CMAT), ordinances on cash card pawning, and resolutions prioritizing the delivery of complementary intervention and services to active and graduated 4Ps beneficiaries like distribution of seedlings, technical assistance on basic farming, free medical and dental services, parenting effectiveness seminars, and skills and livelihood training.
In the afternoon session, various local government units presented their good practices in the implementation of the 4Ps, like the Municipality of Tuburan for Improved Level of Well-Being, the Municipality of Dalaguete for the Family Development Session (FDS), the Municipality of Compostela for the Youth Development Session (YDS), the Municipality of Catmon for the Convergence Practices, the City of Lapu-Lapu for the Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) Implementation, and the Municipality of Santander for the Grievance Redress System (GRS) Initiative.
In the same celebration, the LGUS also received plaques of recognition for their support in the implementation of the 4Ps.

Danilo Sombilon Jr. and MSWDO Jona Villahermosa received the plaque for the Best Family Development Session implementation Cebu.
The towns of Alcantara, Moalboal, Sibonga, Ginatilan, San Francisco, Pinamungajan, Malabuyoc, Tabuelan, Compostela, San Remigio, Tuburan, and the City of Bogo were recognized as LGUs having the most self-sufficient households in Cebu.
Meanwhile, LGUs with complete, quality, and timely JMC quarterly submissions for 2023 were also recognized, like Alcantara, Alegria, Barili, Boljoon, Dalaguete, Ginatilan, Malabuyoc, Moalboal, Oslob, Ronda, Samboan, Santander, Asturias, Cebu City, Mandaue City, Bantayan, the City of Bogo, Madridejos, San Remigio, and Santa Fe.
The LGUs with 100% resolution of 4Ps gender-based violence cases received plaques of recognition, namely, Argao, City of Bogo, Catmon, City of Carcar, City of Danao, Madridejos, Minglanilla, San Remigio, Santander, Tabogon, and the City of Toledo.
The LGUs with the highest compliance rate in education were also recognized, like Bantayan, Barili, Boljoon, Dumanjug, Ginatilan, Madridejos, Moalboal, Samboan, Santa Fe, and Ronda, and the LGUs with the highest compliance rate in health were Alcoy, Barili, Boljoon, Ginatilan, Madridejos, Malabuyoc, Pilar, Poro, Samboan, and the City of Talisay.
The municipality of Dalaguete was awarded for the best family development session implementation, while the municipality of Compostela received the best youth development session implementation.
DSWD-7 also recognized LGUs with impactful 4Ps Saulog ceremonial graduations like Borbon, Catmon, Cordova, Daanbantayan, Dalaguete, Lapu-Lapu City, Madridejos, Mandaue City, Pilar, San Fernando, San Francisco, San Remigio, Santander, Sibonga, Sogod, the City of Talisay, and the City of Toledo.
Those LGUs with approved ordinances against cash card pawning also received recognition, like the City of Bogo, Cordova, and Santander.
All 53 LGUs, composed of independent cities, component cities, and municipalities on the island of Cebu, received recognition for their local issuances like ordinances or resolutions supporting the 4Ps.
Aside from Vice Governor Davide, who represented the provincial government of Cebu, about 20 mayors, two (2) vice mayors, and 36 local social welfare and development officers attended the activity held in a hotel in Mandaue City.
Undersecretary for the National Household Targeting System and 4Ps Vilma Cabrera gave the keynote message during the LCE consultation dialogue.

“As we look ahead, let us reaffirm our shared commitment to the core principles of the 4Ps. While the national target of 1.2 million exited beneficiaries outlined in the General Appropriations Act presents a significant challenge, here in Region 7, we are committed to graduating more than 57,000 level 3 or self-sufficient 4Ps households. This is a testament to our existing efforts and collaboration to help empower beneficiaries to achieve self-sufficiency,” said Undersecretary Cabrera.
Cabrera underscored that the work does not end during the 4Ps Saulog ceremonial graduation but must continue to ensure 4Ps graduates will not fall again into poverty.
The 4Ps is the major poverty alleviation program of the national government that invests in the health, nutrition, and education of the poor and eligible households. These and the psychosocial and educational components provided through the Family Development Session (FDS) lead the beneficiaries to have improved and sustained well-being. The government implemented the program through DSWD and institutionalized 4Ps in 2019 by Republic Act 11310, or the 4Ps Act. ###
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