2024-0411-GSMS-PMS NL 7419

Preventive Maintenance Services of DSWD FO VII Vehicle

RFQ 0464

Provision of Catering Services

RFQ 0457

Provision of Catering Services

2024-0413-SMU-Advocacy Materials

Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Materials for DSWD-7

2024-0488-SMU-IEC Materials

Production of IEC Materials for AICS

2024-0455-VDRC-Forklift Repair

Repair of Forklift Charger

2024-0410-GSMS-Labor And Materials For The Installation Of Glass Wall And Doors

Provision of Labor & Materials for the Installation of Glass Wall and Doors at 2nd FLoor CWC Building

2024-0409-GSMS-Installation Of Doors And Partition

Installation of Doors and Partition at 2F Annex Building

2024-0408-GSMS-Upgrading Of Power Supply And Lightning Fixtures

Upgrading of Power Supply & Lightning Fixtures at 2F Annex Building

2024-0405-SMU-SOCPEN IEC Materials

Production of Social Pension and Centenarian Program Posters and Information Cards

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