RFQ-2022-0993 CAtering Services

Activity: 44th National Disability Prevention Week Celebration
Venue: AVRC II, Labangon, Cebu City"


DSWD7-2022-0861; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Batuan, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0791A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Sevilla, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0790A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in San Miguel, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0787A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Lila, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0785A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Danao, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0784A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Dagohoy, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0783A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Bien Unido, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0782A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Anda, Bohol


DSWD7-2022-0781A; Provision of Catering Services for the conduct of 2nd MDRRMC, and CVs Coaching for Group 1 Phase 2 municipalities in Alicia, Bohol

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