After receiving the DSWD Listahanan 2 data in 2019, the Department of Health (DOH) Central Visayas Center for Health Development (CVCHD) Regional Director Jaime S. Bernadas expressed willingness to have the Listahanan 3 data once available.

DOH CVCHD Regional Director Dr. Jaime S. Bernadas

“It was very useful (L2 Data) for us to identify who the priority households were, as we were implementing the strategy. We were also able to generate other health-related indicators and indexes that we were able to help local government in their health interventions and activities,” said Dr. Bernadas

The data requested were on the poor households of Central Visayas with their socio-economic and other health-related indicators.

Before the request, the DOH CVCHD completed the requirements, including the signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), according to the Memorandum Circular no. 12, series of 2017 or the guidelines in sharing of Listahanan 2 data; certification showing the names of the DOH personnel allowed access to the L2 data; and assignment of the Data Privacy Officer (DPO).

DPO is an individual assigned to an agency or department who will supervise, protect and ensure that data are secured.

According to Dr. Bernadas, DOH used the Listahanan 2 data in their Philippine Health Agenda Check-up System, where all poor households were enrolled. DOH also generated reports of the services availed by the poor households in the community, enhance the system, and generated other needed reports of the agency using the Listahanan 2 data.

Dr. Bernadas said that the Listahanan 2 data could be very helpful for government agencies to identify poor households who are in greater need of services.

Dr. Bernadas said DOH Central Visayas would forge MOA with DSWD once Listahanan 3 data is available. “We need the data to make decisions in the prioritization of health services interventions,” expressed Bernadas. ###

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