To capacitate its technical staff in Cebu and Bohol on the Participatory Organizational Capacity (POCA) tool administration, the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan–Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services (KALAHI-CIDSS) Regional Program Management Office (RPMO) conducted a series of Trainer’s Training on POCA Tool Administration and Data Results Management from Feb. 4-7, 2025. The RPMO held continue reading : KALAHI-CIDSS staff undergo trainer’s training on POCA tool administration
The Philippines is a disaster-prone nation that experiences several calamities each year that cause severe damage, especially in the Visayas region. Because of this, National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), and other sectors created several social protection programs to help the greatly disaster-affected families. One of these LGU is the Cebu Province, headed by continue reading : Cebu Province: DSWD Listahanan Data Helps Improve Social Protection Programs
The community coordinators of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 7 – Central Visayas Tara, Basa! Tutoring Program participated in a comprehensive Child Protection Policy and Safe Spaces Act Orientation on January 30, 2025, in Cebu City. The Tara, Basa! Regional Program Management Office spearheaded this activity to ensure that field continue reading : Tara, Basa! staff undergoes Child Protection Policy and Safe Spaces Act Orientation
“I was undecided, but my mother introduced this (course) to me. I researched social work, and I like it because I want to help poor people,” said Ian Dave B. Serbado, a first-year student taking a Bachelor of Science in Social Work at the University of Cebu (UC) Main Campus. Mr. Serbado is one of continue reading : SW student envisions himself working in the DSWD
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 7—Central Visayas conducted a simulation exercise for Oplan Exodus in preparation for the possible escalation of the alert status of Mt. Kanlaon to Level 4. DSWD-7 personnel who are assigned to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and camp personnel who are off duty and taking continue reading : DSWD-7 conducts simulation exercise for Oplan Exodus