In the recent orientation conducted at the Area Vocation Rehabilitation Center (AVRC) II in Labangon, Cebu City of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) – 7, enrolled and walk-in clients of the center’s in-house Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT) and Speech Language Pathology (SLP) were discussed with the center’s policies and the significant objectives of the aforementioned therapy services to them.

Walk-in orthopedically impaired clients of DSWD-7’s vocational rehabilitation program listen to the discussion of guidelines and policies of the center’s in-house physical therapy services during the recent orientation in the Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center (AVRC) in Labangon, Cebu City.

Among of the guidelines discussed during the orientation was the policy on allowing orthopedically-impaired patients to avail of the PT, OT, and SLP services for 12 months free-of-charge but guarantees same good provision comparable to services in private hospitals. Professionals considered this as a maximum time in attaining rehabilitation goals while other rehabilitation activities may be reinforced and continued at home.

The orientation was spearheaded by the AVRC II Training Center Superintendent Graeme Ferdinand Armecin, Clinical Instructors Mandy Elise Romanos, Nicoli Ann Prado, and the four PT and OT interns from the Cebu Doctors University (CDU).

During the activity, clients have also expressed their gratitude for the existence of the costless DSWD’s vocational rehabilitation program and the accommodating interns and staff which made them feel comfortable, encouraging them to regularly come back and complete their therapy sessions.

The AVRC II has forged partnership with Cebu Doctor’s University (formerly Cebu Doctor’s College) and established its in-house PT, OT, and SLP services in 1995. The AVRC II provides the space and facilities while the CDU provides all the necessary equipment, supplies and materials, and full-time clinical instructors to closely supervise PT interns facilitating in the physical therapy services in the Center. ###

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