A community-oriented family in the westernmost part of Negros Oriental province emerged as this year’s regional Huwarang Pantawid Pamilya.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office VII announced the family of Rustico and Helen Dela Peña from Barangay Nagboalao, Basay, Negros Oriental as the winner in the 2023 regional tilt.

Rustico and Helen Dela Peña together with their children and grandchildren.

Over the course of 12 years, Rustico’s initiative has transformed the water situation in the community from a challenging past to a thriving present.

Back in time, Rustico stumbled upon a water spring within the 4.5-hectare land granted to him through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) certificate stewardship contract. Determined to make the most of this opportunity, he diligently cultivated the land and planted it with an array of fruit-bearing and forest trees.

The community was grappling with water scarcity by then, and Rustico together with his family was determined to find a solution. Hoping that one day, they will no longer fetch water from a well in a nearby barangay that will consume 30 minutes to an hour of travel and vice versa.

In collaboration with 40 other household heads, Rustico initiated discussions to strategize and execute their water system plan. The first step involved procuring a pump using his own money worth Php 5,000.00 and acquiring 400 meters of pipes and hose worth Php 10,000.00 which was provided by the Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) of Nagboalao. This infrastructure was vital to transport and distribute the water to their respective homes.

As time progressed, the group was formed into the Lintob Water System Association, which increased from an initial 40 to 80 households. Rustico led the formation of the group with the active involvement of the neighborhood.

Currently, there are already 150 household members in the Lintob Water System Association.

Elpidio and Adelfa Enriquez together with their two grandchildren.

At the heart of this community transformation was Rustico himself, serving as the technical mastermind behind the installation of pumps, pipes, and distribution of hoses. He was able to apply his background in masonry and carpentry as he previously worked as a construction worker. He became the plumber and electrician of the water system, spearheading its implementation.

The Dela Peña family also initiated the “Kapunungan sa Pagtinabangay,” an activity that is part of the water system association, in which each member contributes Php 100.00 per household for a total of Php 15,000.00 worth of contribution and provides 100 kilos of rice to support when a family member of one of the household members passes away. Since the start of the initiative in 2021, they have already helped 5 (five) household members.

The collective effort of the community, with the Dela Peña family at the helm, has resulted in a sustainable solution to the water scarcity challenge in their barangay. They were also able to save time in fetching water from the nearby barangay and address the need of potable water among the household members based on the water sampling by the Sanitary Inspector of the Local Government Unit of Basay.

Through the Dela Peña family’s resourcefulness and commitment, they have not only ensured the availability of clean water in their community and burial assistance among household members but have also created an exemplary model of a community-oriented family.

Rustico and Helen’s story is a testament to determination, hard work, and community service while striving to break the cycle of poverty in order to create a better life for their nine (9) children.

Ramel and Lilybeth Tampac together with their youngest son, Ralph Kim.

Facing financial challenges, they took on various jobs to provide for their family’s basic needs and educational expenses for their children. Rustico worked as a construction worker, fisherman and farmer while Helen served as a Barangay Health Worker (BHW).

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) played a crucial role in supporting the family and enabling their children to pursue their education. The 4Ps cash grants helped the youngest three (3) children achieve a college education. Former monitored children Roshelle and Rosglorioso finished Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) and Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd), respectively. They are now both teaching in public schools in their hometown.

Recently, April Joy obtained her bachelor’s degree in criminology and the last monitored child Rostello, is in Grade 10.

The Dela Peña family will receive a cash prize and a plaque of recognition from the DSWD Field Office VII.

They will also represent the Central Visayas region during the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) National Family Week on October 10-13, 2023 in Metro Manila, together with other regional winners from all over the country.

Meanwhile, the family of Elpidio and Adelfa Enriquez of Brgy. San Jose, Getafe, Bohol placed second.

The families of Ramel and Lilybeth Tampac of Brgy. Maite, San Juan, Siquijor and Wil Jaime and Carlota Bacornay of Brgy. La Paz, the City of Bogo, Cebu garnered third and fourth place, respectively.

Wil Jaime and Carlota Bacornay together with their youngest son, Carl Jaime.

The Huwarang Pantawid Pamilya aims to recognize family beneficiaries of the 4Ps who maintain strong family ties, demonstrate positive Filipino values, and create a positive impact in the community where they reside.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a program of the national government that invests in the health and education of poor households primarily of children aged 18 and below. It is implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) together with other government agencies including the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Department of Health (DOH). ###

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