As national and local campaigns intensify in Central Visayas, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office VII reminded candidates not to use the programs, projects, and services of the Department to advance their political agenda.

DSWD Field Office VII

To safeguard its programs and services from any political interference, the Department issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 9 or the “Policy Guidelines on Strengthening Partnership with Stakeholders During Election and Non-Election Periods.”

The policy provides for the grievance mechanism of the Department in responding to reports on politicians using and/or mentioning any of the programs of DSWD in their campaign speeches or strategies.

Among those which can be reported by the public are putting names of politicians in relief items; repacking of relief goods and distribution of such as their own supplies; and/or claims that any DSWD goods or programs are provided due to their influence.

Moreover, the MC stipulated that DSWD activities shall not be used in any manner that could in any way influence the vote of a person. During the conduct of activities, the following, among others shall not be allowed: the display of election paraphernalia such as tarpaulins, banners, posters, stickers, and T-shirts; prominently featuring the names, pictures, or logos of candidates or parties on activity materials such as programs and handouts; distribution of election materials such as flyers, leaflets, and sample ballots; playing of campaign jingles and other election-related audio or video materials; and political campaigning by any political candidates, political party, and/or their supporters.

Meanwhile, activities that involve the gathering of beneficiaries are allowed, such as meetings with volunteers or parent leaders when needed, as long as these are not held for any politician.

The DSWD officials and employees who personally witnessed and/or actually experienced any incident involving the conduct of prohibited activities shall be required to submit a comprehensive incident report. The report shall be supported by official communications including but not limited to pictures, official documents, and sworn statements of employees and their witnesses including barangay or police blotter, whenever applicable.

Aside from the issuance of the MC, the DSWD also entered into a Tripartite Agreement with the Department of the Interior and Local Government and the Commission on Elections for the reimplementation of the 2013 Memorandum of Agreement and Joint Memorandum Circular seeking to safeguard DSWD programs and services from political interference and political partisan activities.

The DSWD is one with the nation in achieving the goal of a fair and honest election. ###

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