Reaching a hundred-year-old may be hard to achieve these days, given the kind of lifestyle that this generation is having. But there are still some who made it to the big 100-year-old and beyond. And the question left hanging, is there really a secret to a longer life?

Lolo Jose’s firmly holds his Php 100,000 gift from the government.

A simple answer from Lolo Jose (not his real name), when asked about his secret why he reached 100 years old, “utan ug isda ra gyud, (only vegetables and fish).” Lolo Jose added that keeping a positive view in life is one of the factors why he reached this age.

A hardworking man in his younger years, he was able to support his children’s’ education.  Hearing the news, Lolo Jose could not contain his excitement upon knowing that he would be receiving the said amount.

When asked what to use with his money, he cheerfully answered “ipalit ug bugas ug sud-an (I will buy rice and viand).” Lolo Jose also plans to renovate his room as he is living with his youngest daughter’s house in the midwest part of Cebu.

Some Centenarians may not be as healthy as Lolo Jose, but their faces exuded joy when they received the centenarian cash gift.

The Republic Act No. 10868 or Centenarian Act, Filipinos who reached 100 years old will receive cash gift worth Php 100,000.00 through the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), this is the government’s way in honoring the centenarians.

Aside from the cash gift, the centenarians also received a letter of felicitation signed by the President of the Philippines.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, the DSWD Region 7 continues to distribute centenarian gifts to beneficiaries. As of June 2, 2020, the agency has already paid 47 centenarians across Region VII. ###

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