After the DOH-7 completed the requirements for the Listahanan data sharing, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office VII through its National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) handed over the Listahanan data to the Department of Health (DOH) region 7.

Mr. Hillton John V. Edrial and Mr. Donald Rey Dejacto, NHTS officers, give the Listahanan data to Dr. Jeannette Pauline Arellano Cortes, the DPO of DOH 7 after the MOA signing.

The NHTS-PR is a database and an information management system that identifies who and where the poor are in the country.

“We will use these data for planning purposes,” said Dr. Jeannette Pauline Arellano Cortes, Medical Officer IV and the Data Privacy Officer (DPO) of DOH 7 as she received the Listahanan data.

Mr. Hillton John V. Edrial, NHTS Head and Mr. Donald Rey Dejacto, Information Technology Officer (ITO) of DSWD-7 who turned over the data sets are very glad that the DOH 7 has finally received the Listahanan database.

Mr. Dejacto immediately installed the data to the PDO’s assigned desktop computer after making sure that the computer met the requirement.

The signed MOA and other requirements are in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, mandated by the National Privacy Commission (NPC) which protects individual personal information and upholds the right to privacy by regulating the processing of personal information.

Mr. Edrial hopes that other institutions like Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), National Government Agencies (NGAs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the like will also embrace the use of Listahanan datasets as a basis for their planned programs and services. ###

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