The search is on for the Huwarang Pantawid Pamilya 2019.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office VII (DSWD) is now looking for new family ambassadors of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

The search is open to all family-beneficiaries of 4Ps and must consist of a father and/or a mother (solo parent) and child/children.

Nominees must be beneficiaries of the program for at least two years, have good standing in the community with no derogatory records, whose income do not come from gambling, prostitution, child labor, extortion and other similar illegal resources and most importantly 100% compliant to all the conditionalities of the program.

Criteria include strong family ties and harmonious relationship while upholding Filipino values despite the challenges of poverty (25%), family practices and promotes healthy living and environment care (20%), family involvement in community activities (20%), family as inspiration to others in the community (20%) and strives to improve living conditions amidst difficult situation (15%).

The simultaneous provincial search for Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental and Siquijor will be on May 29, 2019.

The provincial first placers will compete in the regional level.

All provincial and regional winners will get cash prizes and certificates of recognition.

The winner of the regional search will attend the National Pantawid Pamilya Family Day on September 28-30, 2019 in Metro Manila.

The past Huwarang Pantawid Pamilya regional winners from Central Visayas region made it to the national level namely; the Sederiosa family from Sagbayan, Bohol placed fourth runner-up in 2013, the Ewican family from Carmen, Bohol placed second runner-up in 2014, the Torrentira family from Sagbayan, Bohol placed second runner-up in 2015, the Garay Family from Jagna, Bohol won the title as the grand winner of Huwarang Pantawid Pamilya in 2016, the Catubig family from Maria, Siquijor placed fourth runner-up in 2017 and the Campugan family from Cordova, Cebu placed second runner-up in 2018. ###

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