A Pre-Employment Seminar was conducted recently at the Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center (AVRC) II to prepare and ensure that its 51 Persons with Disability (PWD) graduating trainees are competent before looking for a job after graduation.

The Persons with Disability (PWD) graduating trainees of the DSWD-7’s Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center (AVRC) II listen to one of the speakers of the pre-employment seminar recently conducted at the Center.

These trainees in Computer Technology; Commercial Cooking; Commercial Arts and Craft; Basic Cosmetology; Housekeeping Services; Dress and Apparel Technology and Massage Therapy were oriented on the usual recruitment process and preparation of basic requirements for employment during the seminar.

Representatives from the Department of Manpower Development and Placement (DMDP) Cebu City Ma. Concepcion Encabo and Ms. Jean Marie Brual discussed about Employment Readiness while Rosana Velado of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) discussed to the trainees the Labor Laws and Regulations to guide them in seeking better employment opportunities and maintain proper work etiquette once officially hired.

Other activities during the seminar help the trainees become familiar in proper developing of a resume and application letter prior to employment. The resource persons from DMDP and DOLE also taught the trainees the importance of self-organization, participation in policy and decision making process, collective bargaining and negotiation through the discussion on Labor Standards and Employees Rights and Obligations to remind them to always deliver their duties and responsibilities in accordance to standards.

The AVRC is one of the DSWD-run centers that provides human resource development to PWDs through various skills enhancement program. ###

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