As part of its promotion to share the latest Listahanan data, the National Household Targeting Section (NHTS) personnel of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) 7 visit partners and stakeholders to discuss guidelines and requirements for data sharing.

NHTS Officers: Hillton John V. Edrial, Donald Rey Dejacto and Rachelle Cuizon discuss the salient features of the the Listahanan data and the requirements of data sharing to the officers of PSWDO Negros Oriental.

Hillton John V. Edrial, NHTS head, Donald Rey Dejacto, information technology officer and Rachelle Cuizon, regional associate statistician went to the different Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), National Government Agencies (NGAs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other institutions across region 7.

The Listahanan data not only contains statistics of the identified poor households in Central Visayas. It also holds pertinent information like names, addresses, educational background and the number of poor households who do not have access to electricity, water and sanitary toilet. Also the number of poor sectors such as senior citizen, persons with disabilities (PWDs) and more that may be useful in planning and implementation of various social protection programs that will benefit these sectors. The data may also be used for studies about the poverty incidence here in region 7.

One of the possible partners recently visited by the NHTS was the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) of Negros Oriental. Salient features of the data were discussed as well as the requirements to have it, particularly the need to have a Data Privacy Officer (DPO) among others in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 as mandated by the National Privacy Commission (NPC) and Memorandum of Agreement between the DSWD and the PLGU.

The NHTS continues to share the importance of the Listahanan data so that more poor will receive the programs and services that will help alleviate poverty in the country. ###

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