The Department of Social Welfare and Development’s National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) turned-over and installed the latest data of Listahanan 2 to Cebu Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) on January 10, Thursday, at Cebu Capitol main hall building.

Mr. Hillton John V. Edrial and Mr. Donald Rey Dejacto, NHTU officers hand over the data to PSWDO Marivic Racho-Garces, the PDO of Cebu Province.

Mr. Hillton John V. Edrial, NHTU Head and PSWDO Marivic Racho-Garces, the Privacy Data Officer (PDO) of Cebu Province signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Mr. Donald Rey Dejacto, NHTU information technology officer, installed the Listahanan Data to the PDO’s desktop computer.

The Data Privacy Act of 2012 protects individual personal information and upholds the right to privacy by regulating the processing of personal information. The National Privacy Commission is tasked of administering and implementing this law.

The NHTS-PR is a database and an information management system that identifies who and where the poor are in the country. ###

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