Gender mainstreaming efforts in Field Office VII continuously evolves and creates rippling impact to the organization and to the lives of the beneficiaries as an aftermath of embedding such in the policies, people, programs/activities/projects/services and essential mechanisms.
The employees benefited on integrating GAD in various foundational policies such as Merit Selection, Managing Capability Building Efforts, Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence and Strategic Performance Management System where equality is considered regardless of gender and sexual orientation, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity or political affiliation.
The compliance to Magna Carta of Women paved the way to avail not only extended maternity leave benefits for women employees but as well as paternity leave for father employees. Flexible work arrangements for women experiencing difficult situations, establishment of breastfeeding corner, additional cubicles for comfort room with bidet, ramp and PWD-equipped comfort rooms, use of gender fair language are among those output of implementing policies with GAD perspectives. Further, various inter-agency resolutions and Memorandum of Agreements were issued both chaired and membered by the Department addressing, mitigating or bridging gender gaps. It resulted to number of awards received such as National GAD Champion Award by KALAHI-CIDSS to mention one.
The heart of gender and development lies in its people. How the employees think and behave NOW is the result of unending conduct and attendance to gender related activities facilitated by the Department and other organizations. Led by the active and functional GAD-TWG, gender sensitivity training becomes mandatory in the Orientation of New Workers. GAD Champions and advocates were developed and maximized as resource person and facilitator not only in the Department but also to various invitations from partners and stakeholders. The Women, Men and Persons of Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) is gradually embraced by the entire Department through the conduct of series of batches of orientation particularly in the major projects. Gender sensitivity and responsiveness does not only emanates from the top but is carried even in the lowest position in the office as this can be seen in the sex disaggredated data and GAD Plan and Budget, to mention a few. As a proof, no complaints were received on gender issues in the Committee on Decorum.
The setting up of essential GAD mechanisms enables reconstitution of GAD-TWG in accordance to Magna Carta of Women. Programs are subjected to PIMME and ensured that Program Implementation Review are regularly done. Consultations with the beneficiaries as well as the CSOs are facilitated to come up with a gender responsive plan and budget. The GAD Consultation with the LGUs is an initiative by Pantawid that earned national recognition.
The Field Office has advanced gender mainstreaming by showcasing PAPs such as Modelong Ama awardees, search for Solo Parent-Friendly LGU, sustaining gender responsive case management in HAVEN and pilot-testing such to LGUs, Orange and Purple your Corner and strengthening coordination and operation of HerSpace: A One Stop Shop Program for Trafficked Persons. Lastly, engaging men is intensified to achieve gender parity, hence MOVE is activated, Pantawid fathers are sensitized, and the “Lived Experiences of Participants and Prospects on FDS-ERPAT Program Towards Continuous Improvement” is already adopted by selected LGUs.
These are all few of the many steps the Department have to embark in the next generations to come to ensure that no one is left behind on gender equality and women empowerment.